Free Resources

The first link is a direct download of the experiment or lab.  The second link takes you to a post within the blog that provides more information.  

  1. Tree Planting Guide – Relevant Post:  You’re Doing It Wrong: 6 Tree Planting Urban Legends
  2. Scientific Method Flowchart – Relevant Post:  8 Steps of the Scientific Method You Need to Know
  3. Coffee Addicts Guide to the Health Benefits of Coffee – Relevant Post:  6 Fabulous Health Benefits of Coffee You Need to Know
  4. A Brief History: Discovery of DNA – Relevant Post: What is the Structure of DNA and Why is it Important Anyway?
  5. Tree Planting Guide to Conserve Energy – Relevant Post:  10 Excellent Reasons to Plant Trees
  6. Lab Safety Rules – Relevant Post:  Easy Experiments: Valuable How To Resources for Home and School
  7. Robert Boyle Quote – Relevant Post: Who is Chemist Robert Boyle?
  8. John Polanyi Quote – Relevant Post:  Who is Chemist John Polanyi?
  9. Dmitri Mendeleev Quote – Relevant Post:  Dmitri Mendeleev and the Nature of Things
  10. Hygiene Tips to Reduce Illness – Relevant Post: Corona Virus Panic and Some Practical Hygiene Reminders
  11. Companion Planting/Container Planting Reference Sheets – Relevant Post:  Growing an Organic Family Garden is Good for You and the Earth



The first link is a direct download of the experiment or lab.  The second link takes you to a post within the blog that provides more information.  More activities are periodically added.  Note:  providing your email address a second time to gain access to this page will not get you duplicate newsletters.


  1. Science Gratitude Journal Coloring Pages – Relevant Post: How to Keep a Science Gratitude Journal
  2. Science Creativity Coloring Sheets – Relevant Post:  Expressing Yourself Through Science Creativity



The first link is a direct download of the experiment or lab.  The second link takes you to a post within the blog that provides more information.  More activities are periodically added.  Note:  providing your email address a second time to gain access to this page will not get you duplicate newsletters.


  1. What to Bring Bird-watching Checklist – Relevant Post:  What Bird Watching Equipment do you Need for Birding Adventures?
  2. What to Bring on a Bird-watching Fieldtrip – Relevant Post:  What Bird Watching Equipment do you Need for Birding Adventures?
  3. Bird-watching Record Sheet – Relevant Post:  10 Absolutely Excellent Reasons to Feed Amazing Local Birds
  4. Personal Record of Extracurricular Learning (xlxs file) – Relevant Post:  Tracking Your Micro credentials – Courses and Workshops beyond your Degree or Diploma
  5. How to Motivate Students to Love Science – Relevant Post:  How to Motivate Students to Love Science


The first link is a direct download of the experiment or lab.  The second link takes you to a post within the blog that provides more information.  More activities are added.  Note:  providing your email address a second time to gain access to this page will not get you duplicate newsletters.

  1. Biomagnification Simulation Lab – Relevant Post:  How Does Water Pollution Effect Marine Life?
  2. Science of Making Ice Cream – Relevant Post: How to Make Chemistry Amazing by Making Ice Cream
  3. What is the Meaning of Pi? imperial version – Relevant Post:  Actually, What in the World is the Meaning of Pi?
  4. What is the Meaning of Pi? metric version – Relevant Post:  Actually, What in the World is the Meaning of Pi?
  5. What Makes Things Alive? – Relevant Post: Actually, What Makes Things Alive? :Easy Experiment
  6. Dendrology Activity-Explore Information Found in Tree Rings – Relevant Post: How to Determine Tree Age and Really Why it Matters
  7. Transfer of Energy Experiment – Relevant Post:  Using the Scientific Method with Simple Experiments


The first link is a direct download of the experiment or lab.  The second link takes you to a post within the blog that provides more information.  More activities are added.  Note:  providing your email address a second time to gain access to this page will not get you duplicate newsletters.


  1. Science Journaling Printables – Relevant Post:  An Introduction to Science Journaling for Those Who Hate to Write
  2. Doodle Weekly Planner
  3. Kids Nature Journal Sample Pages – Relevant Post: A Nature Journal for Kids Creates Respect for the Earth


The first link is a direct download of the experiment or lab.  The second link takes you to a post within the blog that provides more information.  More activities are periodically added.  Note:  providing your email address a second time to gain access to this page will not get you duplicate newsletters.


  1. Scientific Method Worksheet – Relevant Post:  8 Steps of the Scientific Method You Need to Know
  2. Stem Supplies – Relevant Post:  Easy Experiments: Valuable How To Resources for Home and School
  3. What Are Endangered Species Reading Assignment – Relevant Post:  7 Meaningful Ways to Protect Endangered Species
  4. Compound Microscope Diagram – Relevant Post:  Easy Experiments: Valuable How To Resources for Home and School
  5. Practice Making Hypothesis Worksheet – Relevant Post:  8 Steps of the Scientific Method You Need to Know
  6. Logic Problems – Relevant Post: Logic Puzzles are a Powerful Way to Train Your Brain
  7. Determining a Good Scientific Question Activity – Asking Scientific Questions is an Important Skill
  8. Monthly Science Holidays – Relevant Post:  Science Holidays and Events