Challenge Your Child’s Mind with Science During Lockdown
To challenge your child’s mind can be difficult at the best of times. During the pandemic, these are not the best of times. So, if we have the time to, how can you challenge your child’s mind in the midst of lockdown?
A Nature Journal for Kids Creates Respect for the Earth
A nature journal for kids encourages kids to get outside. It is both a healthy and an educational STEAM activity. Get some free nature journaling pages to get your kids started when you sign up for my newsletter! There are some amazon affiliate links in this post. If you click I might make a small commission but at no cost to you.
Easy Tips for Planting Trees to Save Energy
Planting trees to save energy is a great conservation strategy. It not only saves you money on your heating and cooling bill but it is also environmentally friendly. You use less fuel to heat and cool your home so you produce less green house gases. You are doing your part to reduce global warming and you boost biodiversity to boot.
How to Keep a Science Gratitude Journal
Keeping a science gratitude journal can make you healthier and happier. Science strongly supports this. If you love science and nature, why not record your gratitude about the living world around you daily and reap the rewards of practicing gratitude.
Expressing Yourself Through Science Creativity
Science creativity is a great way to express yourself and learn to live in the moment. Science and creativity can go hand in hand. There are many ways to express yourself through science creativity.